City Profile - Ligao City, Albay
Ligao City is a 4th class city in the province of Albay composed of 55 barangays, 11 urban and 41 rural and with 3 coastal barangays. The 2000 Census placed its population at 90,603 in 17,031 households.
The population of Ligao City is a mixture of traits and culture because of its strategic location. Ligao City is centrally located in the 3rd district of Albay being the converging point of population from the surrounding municipalities of Pioduran on the west, Tabaco on the east, Oas and Polangui on the north and Guinobatan on the south. Because of the accessibility of the place lying along the Pan Philippine Highway that stretches from Aparri in the north through Davao in the south, people as far as these places has come to settle in Ligao City bringing along with them their own culture and tradition.
The dialects varies as the people who came to settle, from the Ilocano dialect to Kapampangan to Tagalog, Visayan and even transient Muslim traders with their own dialects. But Ligao City has a distinct dialect which differs in pronunciation, meaning and spelling even from other Bicol dialects. The local dialect is quite similar to Kinaray-a, a dialect in Antique.
Roman Catholic is the dominant religion accounting for 96.92 percent of the population as of 1995. Religious tolerance is practiced among the inhabitants as indicated by various denominations present in the city.
Reference Period
Total Population |
2000 |
90,603 |
Male |
2000 |
45,692 |
Female |
2000 |
44,911 |
Population Growth Rate |
2000 |
2.47 |
Sex Ratio (males per 100 females) |
2000 |
101.7 |
Household Population |
2000 |
90,536 |
Male |
2000 |
45,658 |
Female |
2000 |
44,878 |
Number of Households |
2000 |
17,031 |
Average Household Size (Persons/HH) |
2000 |
5.32 |
Number of Occupied Housing Units |
2000 |
16,885 |
Households in Occupied Housing Units |
2000 |
17,031 |
Source: 2000 Census of Population and Housing, National Statistics Office
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