Live birth is the complete expulsion or extraction of a product of conception from its mother, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy , which after such separation, breathes or shows any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut off or the placenta is still attached; each product of such birth is considered alive.
A fetus with an intra-uterine life of seven (7) months or more and born alive at the time it was completely delivered from the maternal womb but later died shall be considered as live birth and shall be registered in the Register of Births.
A fetus with an intra-uterine life of less than seven (7) months, it is not deemed born if it dies within 24 hours after its complete delivery.
Procedure for Securing a Birth Certificate:
1. A person who wants to secure a copy of a birth certificate should be :
- the person himself
- nearest of kin
- an official representative of the person concerned
- a person equipped with a court order
2. The above individuals should present themselves at the Office of the City Civil Registry and secure the necessary form.
3. Present the duly accomplished form and pay the necessary fees.
4. Get the Birth Certificate
Death Certificate
Death is a permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after live birth has taken place ( postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation ).
A fetus with an intra-uterine life of seven (7) months or more and born alive at the time it was completely delivered from the maternal womb but died later shall be considered as death and shall be registered in the Register of Deaths.
Procedure for Securing Death Certificate:
1. Proceed to the Office of the City Civil Registry
2. Secure the necessary forms.
3. Fill-up the forms and present the duly accomplished forms to the City Civil Registry
4. Pay the necessary fees.
5. Get the copy of the Death Certificate
Marriage License
Marriage is a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered into in accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and family life. It is the foundation of the family and an inviolable social institution whose nature, consequences and incidents are governed by law and not subject to stipulation, except that marriage settlements may fix the property relations during the marriage within the limits by the Family Code of the Philippines.
Procedure in Securing a Marriage License:
1. The contracting parties should proceed to the Office of the City Civil Registry and present the following;
- Birth Certificate of both parties, if not available
- Baptismal Certificate of both parties, if not available
- Any form of identification to determine the age of both parties
- Community Tax Certificate
- Parental Consent if below 18 years old
2. Secure the necessary forms
3. Fill-up the forms and present the duly accomplished form to Office of the Civil Registry
4. Pay the necessary fees.
5. Publication of Notice for 10 days
6. Attend the required seminars
7. Get the License to Contract Marriage after 10 days publication.
Community Tax
All citizens, 18 year and above are required to secure a Community Tax Certificate.
Basic Tax - Php5.00
Additional Tax not to exceed Php5,000.00
A Php1.00 levy for every Php1,000.00 income from salaries and wages from occupation or business and income from real properties
Procedure for Filing:
Secure a Pro – Forma from the Collecting Officer
Accomplish the needed information in the Pro – Forma and submit the same to the Collecting Officer for assessment of fees
Pay the necessary fees and get the Original Copy of the Community Tax Certificate
Public Market Rental
1All ambulant and sidewalk vendors are given the opportunity to occupy a stall within the public market before any prospective and new applicants will be entertained.
All buildings within the City Public Market are on a monthly rental and so with carenderias.
All stalls are levied a daily cash ticket.
Procedure for Renting a Stall or Space
Proceed to the Office of the Mayor and signify your intention to rent.
After approval of the City Mayor, proceed to the Treasurer’s Office to sign the contract and pay the agreed rental.
Parking Fees
Procedure for Payment of Fees: